Are you part of the cultural and creative sector or do you have any interest in this field? If yes, you definitely have to visit the CO-ART project website!
This website provides you with a lot of information and you can start discovering the project through a general overview of it: what this project is about, who the participants are and which the expected impacts it aims to achieve are:
Even more specifically, it shares the concrete results it is developing: the INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS such as the CO-ART Online Escape Rooms, the Training Kit and its Online Platform. We know… you want to know much more; don’t worry! Here you can find much more information and also have direct access to the E-learning Platform 😉
Last but not least, CO-ART project is composed by a pioneering and diverse partnership, discover more about the participating organizations through this link and if you want to contact with them or have more information about the project, the contact section is what you need
Remember to stay up to date on the latest news of this innovative project and to not miss any news:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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