
antic Pays Basque

ANTIC is a non-profit association created in 1999 by the Basque Country Agglomeration and supported by it since then. Considering digital technology as an opportunity for its territory, it has been engaged for many years in the development of its uses, the dissemination of digital culture and the implementation of experimental projects among youth.

To do this, ANTIC offers different types of services: training on digital tools and strategies for youth workers/trainers, advice and support on digital uses, organization of seminars, workshops and events for the integration of digital in any business and youth organisations and engineering innovative projects, particularly European ones.

Indeed, its mission positions it as an agency that WATCHES (identify trends and provide value-added information), ACCOMPANIES (train, integrate uses), EXCHANGE (disseminate knowledge and encourage collaboration) and EXPERIMENT (develop projects and test services and uses to innovate) particularly but not only in the field of digital uses.

Its skills and experiences are centered on the establishment of a multi-actor network including businesses and youth associations, the dissemination of innovative digital uses, social innovation projects, digital uses in response to the challenges of local development, engineering capabilities, the creation of actions to encourage local initiatives and territorial actors.

Innovation Hive

Innovation Hive is a private non-profit organization located in Greece, specialized in the fields of research and innovation. Our actions aim to enhance the economic and social cohesion of European societies while our goal is to find solutions to the new innovation challenges, achieve growth, sustainability and maximize the impact to the society. The organization’s philosophy in order to achieve these goals is based on co-creation methodologies and a quadruple helix approach.


The engagement of stakeholders from industry, science and society is aiming to create links between the businesses, the academia and the civic actors in order to develop a combination of knowledge, skills, tools, values and motivation.


The final goal is to make the difference in local societies and to succeed at the highest level the principles of social innovation concepts.

Social Innovation Centre

Social Innovation Centre (SIC) is an NGO dedicated to solve social challenges, raise social innovation knowledge and social welfare in Latvia as well as facilitate and promote the best practices, knowledge and gained experience at the international level. 


There are 4 main areas of focus: 

1) social entrepreneurship; 

2) youth employment and skills; 

3) innovation for education, and 

4) civic engagement.


SIC provides non-formal learning about social innovation, social entrepreneurship, political processes, and policy formation for disadvantaged society groups, integration and increase of society participation in social and political processes. Also, SIC promotes facilitation of innovative methods and tools for transforming educational pracices, expecially in relation to STEM, digital learning, AR. The main goal of SIC is to promote the idea and movement of social innovation and entrepreneurship as strategic tools for sustainable development.


SIC tasks in most of the cases are project based, hence the project cycle management (PCM) approach is used.


INSTITUTO IKIGAI is a Spanish NGO that is specialised in the areas of entrepreneurship, leadership, promoting and offering creative training and networking opportunities and solutions for the youth.

INSTITUTO IKIGAI’s team has extended experience in managing European projects, developing diffusion and dissemination strategies, methodologies and offering online training courses and materials.

Our focus at INSTITUTO IKIGAI is on the development of training projects and is based on innovation and cooperation.

Thanks to our team’s experience, we can assert that participation in European projects ensures sustainable and integrated growth for both participant organizations and target groups.

Our goal is to form and educate specific collectives such as women, youth, migrants, people who need to reinvent themselves… and grant them the right and possibility to grow and develop constantly and to achieve concrete results in the improvement of their personal, social and professional life. Therefore, we train people to provide them with the personal and professional development tools that will empower them and enable them to use their own resources to succeed.


SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education is the leading organization in Cyprus in the fields of social entrepreneurship and social innovation creating and implementing research and educational projects of social impact, particularly in the fields of employment, entrepreneurship, migrant integration, and social inclusion. SYNTHESIS manages “Hub Nicosia,” a pioneering social innovation hub which houses and supports organizations, entrepreneurs, and enterprises with a social mission.

SYNTHESIS provides non-formal education to youth and adults, including people with fewer opportunities who are at the risk of social exclusion. SYNTHESIS work focuses on developing a combination of knowledge, values and skills which will mobilise youth and adults to fully engage in civic, political and economic life.


As the intermediary organisation of the “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” programme, SYNTHESIS provides mentoring and upskilling to aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly in the creative industries and social and technology related sectors.

Idea For Life

The Idea for Life is a non-governmental and non-profit organization active in the fields of Education, Youth, Social Inclusion, Entrepreneurship, and Ecology.


Our association was registered in 2017 and created by a group of people who have been working in NGOs for years. The headquarter of our association is in Częstochowa (South of Poland).



For years we have been involved in a great variety of projects – we organized youth exchanges, European volunteering, music festivals, harvest festivals, conferences, etc. However, after years of fruitful cooperation, we decided to create a new quality in the NGO environment. Idea for life is a group of young people open to the world who would like to contribute their roots to the development of the environment.



We also organized local activities for adults like:
– workshops and trainings fostering entrepreneurial skills and attitudes for adult learners who would like to become or are entrepreneurs;
– workshops fostering entrepreneurial skills of adults from rural areas.


In our activities we put the great emphasis on:
– supporting pro-ecological attitudes and entrepreneurship development including rural areas;
– promoting innovative ideas in business, fighting unemployment both among young people and adults,
– fostering business development and tourism;
– promoting European values, equality, peace and understanding and involving people with fewer opportunities in our projects, events etc.;
– promoting active citizenship and solidarity among young people;
– supporting future and current entrepreneurs on their career paths.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.

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