Check out our project publication about online escape rooms!

We are delighted because we can already share our project publication with you!

The publication “Online Escape Rooms: The CO-ART Learner Manual” is designed to support youth workers, youth leaders, educators and trainers in their missions of developing digital and entrepreneurial skills of young people. It is an in-service training programme to ensure that recipients harness the potential of the CO-ART online escape room resources and the online platform to support the target group members develop the competencies identified.

It is based on the common skills frameworks ENTRECOMP and DIGCOMP 2.1 and focuses specifically on the young people working or interested to work in culture and creative industries.

The aims of the publication are to support youth workers, youth leaders, educators and trainers:

  • in delivering media-rich and interactive training activities to young people by adapting the CO-ART approach of online escape rooms;
  • by equipping them with the knowledge, skills, competencies and tools necessary for them to design their own online escape rooms in order to use them in their teaching/learning activities;
  • by promoting online escape rooms as an efficient tool to be used for online teaching/learning.


You can download the publications in different languages here: link.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.

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