We would like to share with you the details of our project. Let’s start with its objectives!
1: Contribute to the digital transformation, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of CCS and CCS professionals during and after COVID-19 crisis
2: Reinforce digital collaborations and network between young creative professionals and culture organizations in Europe, thus contributing to the resilience of the CCS
3: Boost quality, creativity and innovation in youth work through non-traditional learning tools and methods to foster entrepreneurial activities, nurture talents and thrive creative mindsets of young people, increase their employability and encourage intercultural engagement
1: Equip and train youth workers with non-traditional online learning tools to support the development of entrepreneurial and digital competences among young CCS workers and aspiring art entrepreneurs
2: Empower young people to acquire entrepreneurial and digital competences needed to encourage entrepreneurial activities of young, aspiring entrepreneurs in the CCS during and after COVID-19 crisis
3: To establish and reinforce virtual cooperation between young culture workers and organizations at local and European levels during and after Covid-19 crisis

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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