Our project activities moved to the capital of Latvia for the 4 days!
24 youth workers, youth leaders and trainers from Latvia, France, Spain, Cyprus, Greece and Poland gathered from the 5th to 8th of July 2022.
During the training in Riga, where Social Innovation Center hosted us, our participants:
⭐ learnt and developed their skills and competencies in teaching non-formal education
⭐ learnt about the concept of online escape rooms as a teaching tool
⭐ tested 24 online escape rooms that were created as part of the project
⭐ learnt how to design their own escape rooms by using freely available tools
The topics we presented to our participants:
✅ purpose of creating online escape rooms
✅ usage of online escape rooms in non-formal education
✅ entrepreneurial and digital competences
✅ learning objectives, outcomes, content and storyline
✅ resources for online learning
Moreover, the participants created their own concepts for online escape rooms on the topics they were interested in and based on the knowledge they acquired.
We hope that this knowledge will be very useful in their work, and online escape rooms will become one of the favorite online learning tools!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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