2022 is coming and we are all enthusiastic to start this new year. But first, let’s focus on the almost finished 2021.
2021 has been an important and challenging year for the CO-ART project; the pandemic has put a strain on the project development, but difficulties have been faced and overcome with success.
In brief, what have been the achievements of the CO-ART project this year?
Creation of a new European partnership composed by different entities which contributed to the project offering a multitude of skills, abilities and knowledge.
Production of innovative tools such as: the Escape Rooms, which will be able to build up competences of people working in the Creative and Cultural Sector; and the technical preparation of the Platform which will make available the Escape Rooms to its users.
Setting the stage to shape the following phases.
Don’t miss out on the forthcoming steps, stay tuned!!
In the meantime, the CO-ART partnership wishes you an even more successful and fruitful New Year!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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