➡️ What is game-based learning?
It is an environment where the game content and game play enhance knowledge and skills acquisition.
➡️ What is gamification?
It is the application of gaming mechanisms (the ones that motivate us) to non-gaming environments in order to make them more engaging. Game mechanisms are applied to an environment where they do not usually belong to trigger motivation and engagement.
➡️ What are the essential components of a gamification model?
➡️ What is storytelling?
It is the interactive art of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images of a story while encouraging the listener’s imagination.
To ensure the learning experience is not just enjoyable, but also relevant to the learners, storytelling techniques should be incorporated in the online escape room. Storytelling is a crucial part of gamified learning that creates more engaging and memorable content by connecting all the parts of the escape room into one fluent story. Several elements of storytelling that allow to create engaging learning experience are the following:
1️⃣ Realistic stories
The learner can acquire knowledge, gain new skills and attitudes faster when the connection between the learning content and real-life contexts and characters is introduced.
2️⃣ Interaction
Allowing the learner to decide for or interact with the character in other ways immerses the learner into the learning process.
3️⃣ Challenges
They keep the learner engaged and intrigued to proceed with next steps through solving certain ‘problems’. However, one should make sure the challenges are not too easy or too difficult to avoid alienation.
4️⃣ Connection
Blending real-life contexts, challenges, characters and their emotions/achievements creates emotional bond between the learner and the content acquired. It helps not only to memorize, but also recall the context of knowledge application.
5️⃣ Multimedia
Mixing media such as videos, images, audio files, diversifies learners and prevents being bored, as there are different ways of how each learner acquires the information the most effectively.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.
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