Our CO-ART Multiplier Events

As part of our project, each partner organized a Multiplier Event in their country. Various people who might be interested in exploring the results of our project were invited to this event. The events were conferences to celebrate the project’s achievements and share the results among youth workers, leaders, trainers, creative professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs, NGOs, CSS industry representatives, community and public service representatives. 

Below you will find descriptions of the particular events in each country. 


The event in France took place on the 22nd of March in Biarritz’s mutlimedia library. The day started with a CO-ART Online Escape Rooms testing in the afternoon. Participants also had the opportunity to test an augmented reality art exhibition organized for the first time for this event. The aim of this event was to present the results of the CO-ART project and discuss more broadly what is the point of exploring digital innovations in the cultural and artistics sectors such as news tools for artists learining but also augmented reality, Artifical Inteligence, or NFTs. Atfer the testing session, a public presentation was made by ANTIC and a LTTA participant, which was organised in Riga, Latvia, in July 2022, to talk about the CO-ART e-learning platform and the training program and what have been their impact. This talk was followed by a conference about the new usages of digital technologies in the artistic sector and the possibility to use Artificial Intelligence and NFTs in a sustainable way with 4 speakers from the digital and the cultural sector. Then the discussion continued in a more informal format in an art bar where ANTIC hosted a cocktail to close the event. The event was attended by 36 participants. 


The event in Poland took place on 31th of March and aimed to present the results of the project. The event was attended by 30 people with fewer opportunities, all of whom came from rural areas in Poland, especially from the surroundings of the city where the Polish partner is located.  

The event took place in a community center located in Częstochowa. The event started with a brief introduction to the project, highlighting its objectives and goals. All the results of the project were presented to them. Then, the participants were divided into small groups and were given a chance to experience the online escape rooms developed by the project team. 

After the online escape room experience, the participants engaged in a discussion about the skills, challenges and knowledge these escape rooms offered. They shared their experiences and insights with each other and representatives of the organization, highlighting the skills and competencies they were planning to gain thanks to these tools. 

The event concluded with a feedback session, where the participants provided their opinions and suggestions about the project. They claimed the project’s innovative approach to non-formal education, the inclusiveness of the online escape rooms, and the opportunity to learn new skills in a fun and engaging way. 


The ME in Spain took place on the 31st of March in Colegio Montessori, Zaragoza.  

Target groups such as young art students, youth workers and freelancer trainers attended an event in which digital skills and 21st century soft skills were discussed. These skills were adapted to the artistic theme through the dissemination of the CO-ART project and its escape rooms.   

At the end of the event, some young artists performed to unleash their creativity. 


The multiplier event in Greece was conducted on the 24th of March in the premises of University of Thessaly in the city of Larissa. 

30 students in the fields on Arts and Entrepreneurship were present along with youth workers, professors and trainers. 

A presentation was shared introoducing the CO-ART project to the audience, explainig the whole process of developemt of materials and giving a first glimpse of the interacive online Escape rooms. The event continued with practical examination of the 24 onine Escape rooms by the participants. A room of computers was made available by the University and attendees had the chance to check, evaluate and “escape” the designed Escape rooms. 

A discussion followed sharing their feedback, remark and suggestions. The general perception was positive, characterising the online Escape rooms interesting and creative and considering them as a successful teaching method. 


Through the event, SYNTHESIS got the chance to present the main outcomes of the project and explain their value as well as their objectives. Great emphasis was added to the online escape rooms with students asked to register and try out a couple of challenges during the event  

The target groups were university students with interest in art entrepreneurship and also entrepreneurship in general.   

The overall feedback was very positive with students stressing the benefits of implementing gamification methods in learning and training.  Moreover, students appraised the fact that they had the chance to learn at their own pace, space and time.  Through the discussion students also expressed their interest for future workshops as to how sustainable art can be applied and if sustainability can benefit or hinder artpreneurs.    

As it was stated in the initial proposal, the event should include 40 participants and 10 international participants and that was achieved.  However, we did not had consent for live streaming and thus it was impossible to procced with that.  Instead we prepared a short impactful video about the event which was approximately 3 minutes long in order to promote the event on our social media.


On March 16, a practical workshop “Gamification and digital learning tools for creative industries” took place in the premises of the National Film School of Culture Academy of Latvia. Its main goal was to introduce young people and NGO representatives to the concept of online breakout rooms, as well as the positive impact of gamification in the learning process. Pauls Siliņš from Riga TechGirls gave a short presentation on digital tools in the creative industries, and in the end, participants joined in a discussion to talk about the trends and developments of technologies in CCS. 

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